Yesterday I came home and the first message on my answering machine was from Jim Een, the violist and contractor for the
Video Games Live job, telling me that the entire tour had been cancelled. He sounded heartbroken. Imagine having to tell forty-odd people that a very lucrative and fun job was off, only two weeks away.
The odd thing, though, is that I couldn't find any news items announcing the cancellation, and all the venues are still selling tickets to the show on the web. (Are we being hosed?)
I also learned yesterday that the whole
Dr. Doolittle tour is also cancelled, so California Musical Theatre is going to have to find another show to fill those two weeks. (Maybe one that I can play!)
I'm really sorry because that job would have made really good posts for this blog.
Jennifer is scurrying around doing the paperwork to transfer title of the Honda to Rachel. She wants to have a car for a costume job at a theatre in Anaheim. But she's going to have to fly up here to get the car.