Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
65 miles for a cup of tea
Ok I admit it. New Cellphones with Cameras are usefull.
Even with their dodgey, tabloid Alien Quality, I have convincing Photos to show that I cycled 65 miles to England for a cup of Tea.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The wisdom of stage hands.

Another stage hand fixed a loose step with gaffer's tape (commonly called "gaff"; and to "gaff" means to put gaff on something).
"Is there anything that gaff won't fix?" I asked.
"No. That and zip cable."
The After Party

There was a trio playing that included a woman playing guitar and ukelele; a harmonica player wearing a vest that had a series of harmonicas in little pockets; and a bass player.
The woman reminded us all of a famous actress whose name we couldn't remember. Finally someone said, "Kathy Bates!" I assumed that the singer was constantly hearing about the resemblance, but later someone asked her and she said that she'd never heard of Kathy Bates.
Eventually Ken Stout got his sax and sat in with the band. Then Tracy brought his flugelhorn and sat in too. Tom Lopes took over the bass, and with that, our band had hijacked the entertainment. The people didn't seem to mind.
Our Jersey Boys

Audience members were dancing in the aisles.
When the singers were introducing the band, they called me "Tom Stivers." (At the time, I didn't even notice, because the sound was so garbled.) Soon after, I received a note on my keyboard that said, "After the show, the first beer is on me. Chris."
As I said, I didn't even know he had said my name wrong. I thought he was apologizing for some other screw-up that I had saved him from.
After the show, a promoter was very interested in booking the show for some other event.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Dawn and Ronnie

The lodge
Bear Valley

We rode to Bear Valley in a little bus. More like a shuttle, really. We had to fit all of our equipment plus fifteen people, so every seat was full.
When we got to the lodge, we had to unload our own equipment and then truck it 300 yards to the tent.
I found out that Brad Larson (the Steinway tuner in Sacramento) is staying here for the whole festival, tuning for the concerts.
I brought my keyboard. It's a lot more work -- if I'd been playing the festival piano I wouldn't have to bring anything -- but for a show like this, digital piano makes a lot more sense. You can control the sound a lot better and they need synth strings for one song.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Space toys
Monday, July 21, 2008
Me and Rachel
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Are you down for some music prep?
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Artists aren't very organized
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Old and bitter
Yesterday I was talking with Shelley Denny about a Sacramento pianist who died a couple of years ago. "Too bad he became so bitter in his old age." It turned out that he resented the fact that he never became a national jazz artist. (Instead, he raised a family, became one of the most respected musicians in town, and had legions of adoring students — including me.)
I had no idea.
I had no idea.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Unsolved mystery
Strangely, no one at Music Circus seems to be missing this book. Is someone else also doing the show? How did the pages get there?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Please don't ever do this
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The real thing.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
My fifteen seconds
Accident waiting to happen
I was tuning a piano when suddenly I heard the sound of screeching tires. I braced myself for a crash that never came. It turned out that it was a squeaky door, which you can see and hear above.
Friday, July 11, 2008
By the famous for the famous
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
The right kind of mind for the job

"No, I don't remember you." He glanced at the adaptor, which I had in my hand. "But I do remember the RFA-8892."
This is an esoteric piece that they probably sell a few a year.
Responding to my astonishment, he went on: "I also remember the number for the first phone I had in the seventies. And my first VISA card.
"But I can't remember what happened yesterday."
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
My tuning teacher, Antonio
Last Sunday's Bee had a front-page story about how local people are dealing with tough economic times. The first segment featured Antonio Bombal, who taught me to tune pianos 24 years ago. Read the whole article
Monday, July 07, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Why Johnny can't ignite
When I was a kid, young boys routinely blew off their fingers with cherry bombs. The American youth of today can't even light a pile of sawdust with a blowtorch. (As I used to say to my little brother: "You couldn't light a pile of sawdust with a blowtorch.") No wonder China is kicking our butts.
Feminist plum
Thursday, July 03, 2008
What would Frida eat?

The whole trip took 6½ hours. Here's how it broke down:
Driving there: 1½ hours
Looking at Frida Kahlo show: 1 hour
Lunch in museum cafe: ½ hour
Looking at permanent collection: ½ hour
Driving home: 3 hours
Not to mention a 3 hour nap recovering from the drive home.
Response to a birthday card I sent
Thanks for the birthday greeting! Mighty thoughtful. Can you believe I'm
51?! I used to be 16, Mark!
51?! I used to be 16, Mark!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
JB's Lounge
The Ron Davis Big Band played for the first time in the remodeled lounge at the Red Lion, renamed JB's Lounge (formerly Savannah's Lounge). It looks swank, and the sound is much better. The cocktail waitresses are wearing bondage outfits that push up their boobs. I think I need a spanking.
Jack Stanfill, the drummer, brought a married couple from LA that he's known for a long time. He is a pianist, and she sings. They sat in and kicked ass. The band sounded amazing.
Funk Shui
Rehearsing with my old friend Scott Berenson and his band Funk Shui. We're playing a sixtieth birthday — covers of rock classics.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Once in a lifetime chance
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