Seconds before I took this picture, these student nurses stamped out burning pieces of bread that had fallen out of the toaster oven. What a great picture that would have been! I apologize to all my readers for being too slow.
The power was out when I got to Sacramento City College today, but I decided to tune in the practice room anyway. (It looks light because of the camera flash... actually, the only light was coming in through glass doors about ten yards to the left.)
Perhaps using magnets, the crocodile's mouth on this clock opens and closes to mark the seconds.
Can anyone identify this guy?
My customer used to sing in her husband's band in the 50s and 60s, and they would carry along this celeste.
Monday, August 29, 2005
In Seattle and Portland we constantly saw examples of great design. Here is one.
My nephewPeter did a Flash slide show illustrating the advantages of a camera phone. Check out his whole website.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
This band was at the Saturday Market. The singer looked like a drunken reprobate and jumped around like Mick Jagger, but he sounded like Sinatra. Check out his website.
Jerry with his digital SLR. If this were Jerry's blog, the photos would be a lot better.
Jennifer walking down an aisle at Powell's. After I took this photo, an employee told me I should ask permission of people before I take their picture. (Jerry, who should know, assured me that I only needed to do this if I were going to use the photo commercially.)
The information desk at Powell's. The main bookstore occupies an entire city block.
This is the pillar of books holding up the corner of Powell's Books in Portland, the largest independent bookstore in the country.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
This is the view from Vista House. We were all supposedly enjoying the view, and Jennifer said, "Did you see the woman with the perfect body?" and everyone admitted that they had. Then we discussed whether she was wearing a bikini or tankini top. If you zoom in on this photo you can see her about 1/4 of the way from the right side.
Laurel, a former ballerina, doing entrechats on her napkin with chopsticks.
If you meet the Buddha on a dashboard...
The cone tells me to EAT-IT-ALL, so I must.
I was a very bad kibitzer at this chess game... after White made a fatal oversight, I muttered, "Oh, God!" Immediately Black called checkmate.
Ink and toner with a tropical flavor.
This is our favorite place to eat in Seattle --- the Bite of India at the food court at Crossroads Mall.
It's refreshing to see how little people care about their lawns in Seattle. While we in Sacramento agonize about the brown patches, in Seattle they just let the whole thing go brown (although they leave the sprinkler fecklessly out in the middle).
Rachel decorated her cell phone with art stickers from the Frye museum. Unfortunately, they didn't stick and she had to take them off.