This is my morning coffee at Espresso Metro. No other place makes such a beautiful latte. Today I talked to Joan, the owner, about Paul Basye and me hanging some paintings there in the fall. She put a note on her calendar, which consists of a series of colored Post-Its stuck to a string hanging from a door frame behind the counter. "I should really get a calendar," she said.
I am planning a Metro day sometime later this year, perhaps in August. I will spend the entire day (6am to 10pm) at Metro, taking a picture from the same spot at regular intervals (like the Harvey Keitel character in
Smoke), and posting them on a blog. I will drink coffee, play chess, read, and look at my laptop. Then I will assign the URL metroday.com to the blog and hang a big sign with the URL on it along with the paintings when Paul and I hang them.