Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Davis ArtMap

There is a neighborhood in Davis where all of the streets are named after famous artists. I made a web page where you can click on the street names and see an article about the artist. See it here.

Two cats chasing a laser pointer

Outdoor piano

The previous owners of this piano left it out on the curb and it still has leaves inside.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I love this drawing. It took me a while to notice that the piano has no bottom half. Very exciting.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Car collection

My customer has a collection of model classic cars. Not that unusual... except every one of them matches an actual car he has owned and restored.

Goat Roast video

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Goat Roast

I went to the Goat Roast, which was actually a pig roast. About 50 former Peace Corps volunteers and their friends showed up. Here we see the guys opening up the pig after pulling it out of the hot pit.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Car club at Espresso Metro

There were an amazing number of old cars parked near Espresso Metro this morning. They were from a car club which would soon be driving to Tahoe. The people had that pleasant, self-possessed manner of eccentric people who are among their own.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Why I get hits

The last couple of days I've had hundreds of hits on this blog. Perhaps because I mentioned Mamma Mia? Maybe I should also mention that this summer I'll be playing Evita and Hairspray.

Not my dad

Today we ate at a hip new eatery called Dad's Sandwiches. Ironically, my own dad couldn't even boil rice, let alone make a sandwich.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


This is part of the set from the Franklin High production of Seussical.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Since the mama bird has disappeared we decided to take the wreath and nest off the door.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Nom party

Tonight was the annual Nom (for those nominated for a Peace Corps post) party. We had a tremendous turnout — almost bursting out of the little room we had rented. One woman who was about to go to Kenya told me that she had first applied to the Peace Corps in 1972. She made it past all the tests but then was asked if she had a boyfriend. When she said "yes," she was selected out. That may seem unfair, but I actually agree with the concept... you shouldn't have any strong attachments to home when you go, or else the temptation to quit (always strong in the beginning) will be too great.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I have inner beauty

I hope you appreciate these pictures, because I fasted for two days to get them.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Key 4 of Mamma Mia! I had such a good time playing that show. It is the happiest show around.
They have new units where the light, music desk and monitor (showing the conductor) are all clamped to a mike stand. Very cool.
Sandra Dee's restaurant has trompe l'oeil broken plaster on the wall. Because real broken plaster was out of their budget.
Re-electing the same person is progress?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Cartoon of the week

cartoon archive at

This cartoon was Cartoon of the Week on the Funny Times website on January 30, 2008.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My client got this composite photo in Waco, Texas, but it sure looks like Southern California in the early 20th century.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Emily and Bill from the Mamma Mia tour

Emily, a native of Des Moines, has been on this tour for four and a half years. That is roughly 1,800 performances of Mamma Mia!

Monday, April 14, 2008

The way things ought to be

This lucky painter has two patrons in Sacramento who give him a stipend to live in New York and paint. Then they show the paintings at their house here. My customer bought this painting at one of the house shows.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hundreds of dice

I had a nice talk with the guy running this booth. He grew up in Philadelphia and I enjoyed sharing memories of different places in the city and listening to his accent.
I saw this at the monthly Sacramento Antiques Fair. Apparently if you're really serious about darts, you purchase the head and tail ("flight") separately.
This antique store is nothing special except for its name. And the stairway and balcony feel like they're about to collapse.
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Want a very small omelet?

Our mama bird has abandoned the next on our door. We think she 1) joined an ashram; 2) is in a bar trying to pick up guys; or 3) was eaten by a crow.

Friday, April 11, 2008

This band is huge

We went to Jack's Urban Eats for lunch and saw this great mural on the side — advertising a CD of a band whose name escapes me now.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Can he separate lights and darks?

This dog can turn on lights, open doors, and put laundry in a washer.

Jane Goodall

Last night I went to see Jane Goodall lecture at the Mondavi Center. She is a secular saint. She radiates so much gentle power.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Muir Beach

Muir Beach 4-6-08

Today we visited the Crawfords at their teahouse-like place at Muir Beach. Click on the picture above to see the whole album.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Southside Art Center show

This week Paul Basye put up the show of his students from Southside Art Center, where developmentally challenged adults get to make art all day. It's quite good, too. This painting was creatively priced at $86.20.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Food first

Heidi hosted the Peace Corps board meeting this month. She always has the best treats. Did anyone ever eat pickled okra with brie before? It's yummy.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Do it yourself badass

Steve Riggs lives in a very trendy neighborhood only two blocks from Memorial Auditorium, the Clarion, the Governor's Mansion, and Music Circus. Back in the eighties there was a lot of crime so the owner decorated the fence in the backyard with sheetrock screws. When the grapevine grows out they are even hidden. Nasty.

Stuff White People Like

When I describe a guy listening to NPR on his iPod while driving his Prius with the Apple and Obama stickers to IKEA, are you nodding in recognition? Then you need to look at
Stuff White People Like

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Mike Gundy on cell phones

I got this email from my Welsh friend Mike Gundy:

My Cellphone probably has an interesting tale to tell, unfortunately
it remains mute on what happened between loosing it at the scene of
the bike accident and its return. Actually it remains solidly broken,
but its the SIM card which we use here and that is the personable bit
that is good to have back.

"Without my SIM card I am just a person, with it I am a number "

[Number Six would be proud, the Prisoner was made in Wales by the way]

At the funeral of my favourite Aunty (alas), which is unfortunately
the only get together of family we seem to have in the UK. I was
struggling to enter numbers and addreses of kin into my new
replacement phone, when one of the younger generation commented - Ah
old people playing with phones again... making what appeared to be
thumb wrestling gestures.