Monday, March 30, 2009

Gable Mansion

Gable Mansion, Woodland 03-30-09

Today I went to the Gable Mansion to tune a piano. It was a square grand, so I couldn't tune it, so instead I got a personal tour from the owner. Amazing!

1 comment:

Just Some Guy said...

re: "It was a square grand so I couldn't tune it…"

Couldn't? or Wouldn't?

I used to work for Cochran's Pianos & Organs and one of my duties was scheduling tunings for Paul Henderson, the resident technician who was kept busy most of the time tuning Cochran's fleet of rental pianos but once in awhile we got a call from a 'civilian' not a regular customer.

Paul returned from a call, slammed his toolbox down and became a very scary beast as he got right in my face and told me in no uncertain terms that he WOULD NEVER TUNE ANOTHER SQUARE GRAND AS LONG AS HE LIVED. And then proceeded to tell me of the impossible reaches and lots more details which faded with the terror of his rage.
He later disposed of himself in an incredibly rude and untidy manner with a shotgun to the head. No more square grands for him! If square grands truly inspire such psychological disturbances then you are wise to adopt an "I couldn't tune" attitude.

Jess Sam Guy
aka Ken Kligerman, local 12