Monday, August 10, 2009

Favorite email of the day

Tiered. of been' passe-d over for th*at promotion b+eca.use you do no,t have the 'proper Dergee?


Lee Silvan said...

Yep! There are credentials, and then there is competency. Most of the world assumes (wrongly) that credentials EQUAL competency, but as we grow older and wiser we discover that they only IMPLY competency.

For example, having a doctoral degree in music only means you should KNOW music; but certainly shouldn't be taken as evidence that you can (or even want to) TEACH music. And THAT is one of the biggest miscalculations made by employers.

Another classic example is that the people who DESIGN modern airliners would NOT be automatic choices to fly them; and vice versa.

Mark Stivers said...

That's certainly true; but I mainly noticed that this person selling degrees is a poor speller.

Scott said...

If you didn't know, a Dergee is a piece of software you can install on your computer that will automatically fix all your spelling. Google up - you'll see!