Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I had this conversation at Starbucks

Me: Oh, you don't have any food!
Barista 1: We discontinued the sandwiches. We were making like thirteen dollars profit a month.
Me: I guess I'll take this fruit salad.
Barista 2: Do you want a fork, or spoon with that?
Barista 1: We don't have any forks.
Me: Did you discontinue that too?
Barista 1: No, we're just out of them.
Me: Uh... could you give me a... plastic glove?
Barista 1: Seriously?
Barista 2: I could give you two plastic knives, and you could use them like chopsticks.

1 comment:

Scott said...

that is the funniest thing I've heard in a week, and completely realistic. I always want to wear my old "thanks for turning a simple transaction into a bizarre ritual" button when I go to the Bucks.